О задачах проведения Года учителя в России
Автор: Семенов Геннадий Семенович, и.о. главного редактора журнала «Воспитание школьников», кандидат педагогических наук, доцент, член Союза журналистов России E–mail: obrazez1@yandex.ru |
Тип статьи:
Ключевые слова:
модернизация образования, национальный проект «Образование», образовательная инициатива «Наша новая школа», полноценная система внеклассной работы.
Аннотация статьи:
Title of the article:
About the issue of carrying out a Teacher’s Year in
Semenov Gennadiy Semenovich,
deputy chief editor of the magazine “Schoolchildren upbringing”, candidate of pedagogical science, associate professor, member of the Union of Journalists of Russia
Type of the article:
survey and analitical
modernization of education, the national project "Education", educational initiative "Our new school”, complete system for extracurricular activities
Annotation to the article:
The article briefly describes the solemn ceremony of the Teacher’s Year in Russia opened by the President of Russia D.A. Medvedev at the I Pedagogical Assembly in St. Petersburg and the content of his speech in the aspect of issue of carrying out the Teacher’s Year and solution for the most actual problems associated with modernization of education, as well as the content of some of the other speeches in the Assembly.
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