География в школе в 40-е годы XX века
Автор: О.А.Хлебосолова, профессор кафедры экологии и природопользования Российского государственного геологоразведочного университета, доктор педагогических наук, Москва E-mail: o.hlebosolova@mail.ru |
Стр. 6–8
Geography at school in the 40th years of the XX century
professor of chair of ecology and environmental management
The Russian state
prospecting university,
doctor of pedagogical sciences, Moscow
E-mail: o.hlebosolova@mail.ru
The Geography at School magazine edition in the 1940th years was carried out in two stages, divided for years of the Great Patriotic War: pre-war period (1940–1941) and post-war (1946–1949). The contents of each number reflected the main moments in life of the country and the Soviet school. In the beginning usually leading documents – reports of the Central Committee of All-Union Communist Party (bolsheviks), the resolution SNK USSR, decrees, speeches, and also editorials of political and ideological and educational character were located. In the section "Scientific articles" works of all-geographical character, article on physical and economic geography of the USSR and geography of the capitalist countries, and also materials and reviews on history of geographical science were printed. The section "Methodical Articles" usually included works on topical issues of a technique of geography, thematic planning of subjects, demonstration lessons, development of out-of-class actions, articles on creation and use in the course of training of visual aids, the letter from teachers. At the end of the magazine geographical news, reviews of new editions and the chronicle usually were located.
The total amount of the magazine in the 1940th usually made 70 pages, and its circulation reached 23 500 copies. By the end of decade the editor-in-chief of the magazine was replaced – instead of Nikolay Nikolaevich Baransky heading the magazine throughout many years (1934–1941, 1946-1948), Yulian Glebovich Saushkin came.
Below we bring to your attention fragments of article of Veniamin Maksovich Gohmann devoted to conditions of successful training in geography that actually and presently
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