Русская словесность, 2001, №1-8
Подписной индекс:
- Анонс номера:
О журнале:
О журнале «Русская словесность»:
«Русская словесность»
Научно-методический журнал
Журнал издается с 1957 года под разными названиями.
· Русский язык в национальной школе (1957-1990),
· Русский язык в СССР (1991),
· Русский язык в СНГ (1992).
С 1993 года журнал выходит под названием «Русская словесность».

Перечень ВАК: Журнал «Русская словесность» включен Высшей аттестационной комиссией (ВАК) Минобрнауки России «Перечень рецензируемых научных изданий, в которых должны быть опубликованы основные научные результаты диссертаций на соискание ученой степени кандидата наук, на соискание ученой степени доктора наук».
Тематика журнала «Русская словесность» (по перечню отраслей науки и групп специальностей научных работников в соответствии с Номенклатурой научных специальностей, утвержденной приказом Министерства науки и высшего образования РФ от 24.02.2021 г.).
Отрасли науки, по которым присуждаются ученые степени | |
10.01.01 – Русская литература (филологические науки), 10.02.01 – Русский язык (филологические науки) с 28.12.2018 |
Филологические науки |
5.9.1. Русская литература и литературы народов Российской Федерации, с 27.03.2024 |
Филологические науки |
5.9.3. Теория литературы (филологические науки), с 01.02.2022 |
Филологические науки |
5.9.5. Русский язык. Языки народов России, с 27.03.2024 |
Филологические науки |
Основные тематические рубрики по номенклатуре ВАК
10.01.00 Литературоведение
10.01.01 Русская литература
10.01.02 Литература народов Российской Федерации (с указанием
конкретной литературы или группы литератур)
10.02.00 Языкознание
10.02.01 Русский язык
5.9.3. Теория литературы (филологические науки),
с 27.03.2024
5.9.1. Русская литература и литературы народов Российской Федерации (филологические науки),
5.9.5. Русский язык. Языки народов России (филологические науки)
РИНЦ: Журнал зарегистрирован в базе данных Российского индекса научного цитирования (РИНЦ) и регулярно предоставляет информацию об опубликованных статьях в научную электронную библиотеку (страница журнала
РИНЦ: Журнал «Русская словесность» зарегистрирован в базе данных Российского индекса научного цитирования (РИНЦ) и регулярно предоставляет информацию об опубликованных статьях в научную электронную библиотеку (страница журнала в РИНЦ).
· Место в рейтинге по результатам общественной экспертизы – 891
· Двухлетний импакт-фактор издания в системе РИНЦ – 0,034
· Пятилетний импакт-фактор издания в системе РИНЦ – 0,029
(Дата обновления показателей журнала: 20.10.2022).
Статьям журнала присваивается DOI
Аннотация журнала:
Описание тематики журнала «Русская словесность»
Журнал «Русская словесность» занимает достойное место среди научно-методических изданий по филологии. Он оказывает качественную профессиональную помощь самой широкой аудитории словесников — от студентов до учителей и преподавателей вузов. Знакомит с основными вопросами содержания и методики преподавания русского языка и литературы, с новыми инновационными технологиями и их применением на уроках.
Большинство номеров научно-методического журнала «Русская словесность» посвящены творчеству того или иного русского писателя. Номера составляют в первую очередь методические уроки-разработки по отдельным произведениям, а также новейшие научные разработки в методике преподавания уроков русского языка, построенные на основе произведений писателя, творчеству которого посвящен номер.
Особые разделы посвящены опыту и рекомендациям сдачи ЕГЭ по русскому языку и русской литературе, а также подготовке к написанию итогового сочинения (содержание понятия, риторическое определение в сочинении, сочинение на дискуссионную тему и др.)
Журнал «Русская словесность» — в соответствии с названием и своей уже более чем полувековой историей — ставит и решает проблемы отечественной филологии. Основная задача журнала – раскрыть связь филологии и общества через процесс преподавания, прежде всего отечественной словесности. Для решения этой двуединой задачи мы вводим в структуру журнала два основных раздела: «Теория словесности» и «Методика словесности».
Раздел Методика словесности включает в себя рубрики:
Школа литературы
Русский язык: учим и учимся
Нетленные страницы методики
Филология в вузе
Педсовет (практические советы, рекомендации, ответы на вопросы, обмен опытом, профессиональные дискуссии)
Раздел Теория словесности включает в себя рубрики:
Современная русистика
Художественный текст: постигаем, анализируя
Риторика: традиции и современность
Книги: новые и вечные (Библиографические обзоры и рецензии)
Хроника научных событий
Журнал включает в себя и другие рубрики:
Монументальность русской литературы
Выдающиеся собрания отечественной классики
Предчувствия русской литературы
Духовно-нравственное воспитание на уроках русской словесности
Недра русского языка
Шедевры отечественной прозы
Шедевры отечественной поэзии
Современная отечественная поэзия
Современная отечественная детская литература
Глубокое прочтение
Лекционный зал
Из методической копилки
Одно стихотворение
Филологическое мастерство
Торжество созвучий
Возвращенные страницы
Удивительное в мире русской словесности
Золотой жанр словесности
Сокровища отечественного фольклора
Гений места
Локальный текст
Лучшие переводы русской классической литературы
Шедевры русского книгопечатания
Шедевры отечественной книжной иллюстрации
Жизнь и судьба
Приложением к «Русской словесности» выходит журнал в журнале «Русский язык и литература для школьников». Особые разделы посвящены ЕГЭ по русскому языку и русской литературе, «декабрьскому» сочинению, собеседованию в 9 классе.
Комплексная подготовка к ОГЭ и ЕГЭ
Уроки литературы
Уроки русского языка
Поэтика русской литературы
Современная русская литература в школе
Русский язык в произведениях отечественной классики
Методические находки
Интеграция русской словесности в предметы школьного цикла
Редакционная коллегия журнала: в составе редакционной коллегии — кандидаты и доктора наук, по основному месту работы занятые проведением научных исследований и/или преподаванием в высших учебных заведениях. Состав редакционной коллегии публикуется в каждом номере издания и на его официальном сайте на русском и английском языках, с указанием ученой степени, ученого звания всех членов.
Рецензируемый: Редакция журнала осуществляет рецензирование всех поступающих в редакцию статей, соответствующих тематике журнала, с целью их экспертной оценки. Все рецензенты являются признанными специалистами по тематике рецензируемых материалов. Рецензии на поступившие материалы хранятся в издательстве в течение 5 лет.
При цитировании материалов журнала «Русская словесность» ссылка на первоисточник обязательна.
Любое воспроизведение и доведение до всеобщего сведения материалов, размещенных в журнале, как на бумажном носителе, так и в виде ксерокопирования, сканирования, записи в память ЭВМ, и размещение в Интернете без письменного согласия правообладателя запрещается.
Опубликованные в журнале материалы разрешается использовать только в личных некоммерческих целях – научных, образовательных, учебных и т.п.
Публикации для авторов в журнале «Русская словесность» являются БЕСПЛАТНЫМИ.
Оформление статей: в публикуемых материалах указывается информация об авторах, их месте работы и необходимые контактные данные. При опубликовании научной статьи на русском языке обязательным является наличие ключевых слов и аннотации на русском и английском языках. У всех публикуемых научных статей должны быть пристатейные библиографические списки, оформленные в соответствии с правилами издания, на основании требований, предусмотренных действующими ГОСТами.
На официальном сайте издания в разделе "Авторам" указаны правила направления, рецензирования и опубликования представленных рукописей авторов.
· Перечень требований и условий для публикации рукописей
· Порядок рецензирования рукописей
· Авторский договор
· ГОСТ Р 7.0.7– 2021 СТАТЬИ В ЖУРНАЛАХ И СБОРНИКАХ. Издательское оформление
Сайт издания: Страница журнала «Русская словесность» на сайте издательства «Школьная пресса»
В сети Интернет в открытом доступе на русском и английском языках размещаются аннотации, ключевые слова, информация об авторах для всех статей и обзоров, опубликованных изданием, а также полнотекстовые версии всех статей издания в закрытом доступе на платной основе.
Официальный адрес страницы журнала на сайте издательства «Школьная пресса»:
О журнале / Содержание номера / Рубрики журнала / Редакция / Архив номеров с 1993 (доступ к статьям на платной основе) / Презентация / Авторам
Подписаться на журнал: «РУССКАЯ СЛОВЕСНОСТЬ»
Распространяется журнал в печатном и электронном виде на платной основе:
· на сайте (подписка, отдельные статьи, номера журналов в т.ч. архивные)
· в любом почтовом отделении по каталогу «Подписные издания» Официальный каталог Почты России Подписной индекс П1609 «Русская словесность»
· на сайте Почты России
· Агентство «Урал-Пресс»
· Агентство «Деловая Пресса»
· ООО «ИВИС» -
· Агентства «Книга-Сервис» и «АРЗИ» или
· Агентство «ПрессИнформ»
· Агентство "РУСПРЕССА"
· Информационно-издательский дом «ПРОФИЗДАТ»
· «Международное агентство Соотечественник»
· ООО «ИВИС» -
· Национальный цифровой ресурс «РУКОНТ» –
· Научная электронная библиотека eLIBRARY.RU (подписка, отдельные статьи, номера журналов в т.ч. архивные)
ссылка на журнал «Русская словесность»
· Электронная библиотека и Интернет-магазин БиблиоШкола –
· Электронно-библиотечная система Znanium Знаниум –
Учредитель, издатель, распространитель: ООО «Школьная Пресса»
· Свидетельство о регистрации СМИ: ПИ № ФС 77 - 33042 от 04.09.2008
· Форма распространения: Печатный журнал.
· Свидетельство о регистрации СМИ: Эл № ФС 77 - 42734 от 25.11.2010
· Форма распространения: Электронная версия Печатного журнал.
· Print ISSN: 0868-9539 (печатная версия)
· Online ISSN: 2409-9112 (электронная версия печатного журнала)
Периодичность: 6 номеров в год
Формат: 84х108/16 (205х260). Объём: 96 страниц. Вес: 0,25 кг
График выхода (25 число месяца):
Февраль |
Апрель |
Июнь |
Август |
Октябрь |
Декабрь |
№1 |
№2 |
№3 |
№4 |
№5 |
№6 |
Адрес для корреспонденции:
125254. Москва, а/я 62
Телефон: 8-985-260-38-74
Подписаться на журнал: «РУССКАЯ СЛОВЕСНОСТЬ»
· Для оформления подписки нажмите кнопку

· Подписной индекс П1609 по каталогу «Подписные издания» Официальный каталог Почты России
About the journal "Russian literature":
"Russian Literature"
Scientific and methodical journal
The journal has been published since 1957. It was published under the titles Russian language in the national school (1957-1990), Russian language in the USSR (1991), Russian language in the CIS (1992).
Since 1993, the journal has been published under the name Russian Literature.
List of VAK: The journal "Russian Literature" is included by the Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia "List of peer-reviewed scientific publications in which the main scientific results of dissertations for the degree of candidate of science, for the degree of doctor of science" should be published.
The subject of the journal "Russian Literature" (according to the list of branches of science and groups of specialties of scientists in accordance with the Nomenclature of scientific specialties, approved by order of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation of February 24, 2021).
Scientific specialties
Branches of science in which academic degrees are awarded
10.01.01 - Russian literature
(philological sciences),
10.02.01 - Russian language
(philological sciences) from 12/28/2018
Philological sciences
5.9.3. Literary theory
(philological sciences), from 01.02.2022
Philological sciences
The main thematic headings according to the nomenclature of the Higher Attestation Commission
10.01.00 Literary criticism
10.01.01 Russian literature
10.01.02 Literature of the peoples of the Russian Federation (indicating
specific literature or group of literatures)
10.02.00 Linguistics
10.02.01 Russian language
RSCI: The journal is registered in the database of the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI) and regularly provides information about published articles to the scientific electronic library (page of the journal
RSCI: The journal "Russian Literature" is registered in the database of the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI) and regularly provides information about published articles to the scientific electronic library (journal page in the RSCI).
Place in the rating based on the results of public examination - 891
The two-year impact factor of the publication in the RSCI system is 0.034
The five-year impact factor of the publication in the RSCI system is 0.029
(Date of updating the log indicators: 10/20/2022).
Journal articles are assigned DOI
Journal summary:
Description of the subject of the journal "Russian Literature"
The journal "Russian Literature" occupies a worthy place among the scientific and methodological publications in philology. It provides high-quality professional assistance to the widest audience of philologists - from students to teachers and university lecturers. Introduces the main issues of the content and methodology of teaching the Russian language and literature, new innovative technologies and their application in the classroom.
Most issues of the scientific and methodological journal "Russian Literature" are devoted to the work of a particular Russian writer. The issues are primarily methodological lessons-developments on individual works, as well as the latest scientific developments in the methodology of teaching Russian language lessons, built on the basis of the works of the writer whose work the issue is dedicated to.
Special sections are devoted to the experience and recommendations of passing the exam in the Russian language and Russian literature, as well as preparing for writing the final essay (content of the concept, rhetorical definition in the essay, essay on a debatable topic, etc.)
The monumentality of Russian literature
Outstanding collections of Russian classics
Premonitions of Russian literature
Spiritual and moral education at the lessons of Russian literature
Subsoil of the Russian language
Masterpieces of Russian prose
Masterpieces of Russian poetry
Modern domestic poetry
Modern domestic children's literature
deep reading
Lecture hall
From the methodical piggy bank
one poem
Philological skill
Triumph of consonances
Returned pages
Amazing in the world of Russian literature
The Golden Genre of Literature
Treasures of national folklore
The genius of the place
local text
The best translations of Russian classical literature
Masterpieces of Russian printing
Masterpieces of domestic book illustration
Life and destiny
Russian language and literature for schoolchildren (with the heading "Comprehensive preparation for the OGE and the USE)
Comprehensive preparation for the OGE and the Unified State Examination
Literature lessons
Russian language lessons
Poetics of Russian literature
Modern Russian literature at school
Russian language in the works of Russian classics
Methodical findings
Integration of Russian Literature into School Subjects
The editorial board of the journal: the editorial board includes candidates and doctors of sciences, who, at their main place of work, are engaged in scientific research and / or teaching in higher educational institutions. The composition of the editorial board is published in each issue of the publication and on its official website in Russian and English, indicating the academicth degree, academic title of all members.
Peer-reviewed: The editorial board of the journal reviews all articles submitted to the editorial office that correspond to the subject of the journal, with the aim of their peer review. All reviewers are recognized experts in the subject matter of the peer-reviewed materials. Reviews of received materials are kept by the publishing house for 5 years.
When citing the materials of the journal "Russian literature" reference to the source is required.
Any reproduction and communication to the public of materials posted in the journal, both on paper and in the form of photocopying, scanning, recording in computer memory, and posting on the Internet without the written consent of the copyright holder is prohibited.
Materials published in the journal may be used only for personal non-commercial purposes - scientific, educational, educational, etc.
Publications for authors in the journal "Russian Literature" are FREE.
Design of articles: information about the authors, their place of work and the necessary contact details are indicated in the published materials. When publishing a scientific article in Russian, it is mandatory to have keywords and annotations in Russian and English. All published scientific articles must have bibliographic lists, drawn up in accordance with the rules of publication, on the basis of the requirements stipulated by the current GOSTs.
On the official website of the publication in the "For Authors" section, the rules for sending, reviewing and publishing the submitted manuscripts of the authors are indicated.
List of requirements and conditions for the publication of manuscripts
· Procedure for reviewing manuscripts
· Copyright agreement
Website of the publication: Page of the journal "Russian Literature" on the website of the publishing house "School Press"
Annotations, keywords, information about authors for all articles and reviews published by the journal, as well as full-text versions of all articles of the journal in private access on a paid basis are placed on the Internet in open access in Russian and English.
The official address of the journal page on the website of the School Press publishing house:
About the journal / Contents of the issue / Headings of the journal / Editorial staff / Archive No. since 1993 (Access to articles for a fee) / Presentation / For authors
Subscribe to the magazine: "RUSSIAN LITERATURE"
The magazine is distributed in printed and electronic form on a paid basis:
· on the site (subscription, individual articles, issues of journals, including archival ones)
in any post office according to the catalog "Subscription publications" Official catalog of the Russian Post Subscription index P1609 "Russian Literature"
on the Russian Post website
Agency "Ural-Press"
· Business Press Agency
· Book-Service and ARZI agencies or
PressInform Agency
· Agency "RUSPRESSA"
Information and publishing house "PROFIZDAT"
· "International Agency Compatriot"
National digital resource "RUKONT" -
Scientific electronic library eLIBRARY.RU (subscription, individual articles, journal issues, including archival ones)
link to the journal "Russian Literature"
Electronic library and online store BiblioSchool -
Electronic library system Znanium Znanium –
Founder, Publisher, Distributor: School Press LLC
Mass media registration certificate: PI No. FS 77 - 33042 dated 09/04/2008
· Form of distribution: Printed magazine.
Mass media registration certificate: El No. FS 77 - 42734 dated 11/25/2010
· Form of distribution: Electronic version of the Printed Journal.
· Print ISSN: 0868-9539 (print version)
Online ISSN: 2409-9112 (electronic version of the printed journal)
Frequency: 6 issues per year
Format: 84x108/16 (205x260). Volume: 112 pages. Weight: 230g
Release Schedule (25th of the month):
Address for correspondence:
125254. Moscow, PO Box 62
Phone: 8-985-260-38-74
Subscribe to the magazine: "RUSSIAN LITERATURE"
Click the button to subscribe
Subscription index P1609 according to the catalog "Subscription publications" Official catalog of the Russian Post
Содержание номера:
Рубрики журнала:
- Слово главного редактора (22)
- Словесность (10)
- Pro et contra (4)
- Божественность русской литературы (1)
- Былинные напевы (1)
- Былины и лубок (1)
- Былины и сказки (1)
- В электронном приложении журнала «Русская словесность» (211)
- Великие иллюстраторы (1)
- Вечная женственность в русской словесности (1)
- Возвращенные страницы (1)
- Воскресшие книги (1)
- Выдающиеся отечественные собрания русской классики (1)
- Выдающиеся собрания отечественной классики (5)
- Гений места (7)
- Гений места (Genius loci) (1)
- Глубокое прочтение (34)
- Государственность русского языка (2)
- Диалог языков (2)
- Для внеклассного чтения (1)
- Духовно-нравственное воспитание на уроках русского языка и литературы (1)
- Духовно-нравственное воспитание на уроках русской словесности (27)
- Духовность русской литературы (1)
- Единство многообразия (4)
- Жизнь и судьба (14)
- Жизнь и судьба (материалы к биографии) (18)
- Жизнь и судьба: материалы к биографии (1)
- Журнал в журнале «Русский язык и литература для школьников» (213)
- Золотой жанр словесности (4)
- Из литературного архива (1)
- Из методической копилки (8)
- Интеграции русской литературы в предметы школьного цикла (2)
- Интеграция русской литературы в предметы вузовского цикла: искусствоведение (1)
- Интеграция русской литературы в предметы школьного цикла: география (6)
- Интеграция русской литературы в предметы школьного цикла: ИЗО (1)
- Интеграция русской литературы в предметы школьного цикла: история (9)
- Интеграция русской литературы в предметы школьного цикла: математика (1)
- Интеграция русской литературы в предметы школьного цикла: окружающий мир (3)
- Интеграция русской литературы в предметы школьного цикла: экономика (1)
- Интеграция русской литературы в предметы школьного цикла: биология (4)
- Интеграция русской литературы в предметы школьного цикла: изобразительное искусство (1)
- Интеграция русской литературы в предметы школьного цикла: иностранные языки (1)
- Интеграция русской литературы в предметы школьного цикла: музыка (1)
- Интеграция русской литературы в предметы школьного цикла: обществознание (1)
- Интеграция русской словесности в предметы школьного цикла (1)
- Искусство чтения (2)
- Итоговая книга (1)
- Как творчески подготовиться к егэ и итоговому сочинению (1)
- Комплексная подготовка к ОГЭ и ЕГЭ (1)
- Конференции (2)
- Краеведческие находки (1)
- Лекционный зал (44)
- Литература (152)
- ЛИТЕРАТУРА (10–11 классы) (26)
- Литература XXI века (3)
- Литература. Материалы к уроку (55)
- Литература. Проблемы и размышления (21)
- Литература. Современная литература XXI века (8)
- Литературная ситуация (1)
- Литературные события (1)
- Локальный текст (2)
- Лучшие переводы русской классической литературы (1)
- Мемуары (1)
- Методика преподавания русского языка: новые подходы (1)
- Методическая копилка (6)
- Методические находки (35)
- Мировая художественная культура (2)
- Монументальность русского языка (7)
- Монументальность русской литературы (31)
- Музейная педагогика (2)
- Музейные уроки (10)
- МХК: журнал в журнале (8)
- На литературных фронтах (3)
- Народная книга (1)
- Народность русского языка (1)
- Наши терминалии (3)
- Не изобретайте велосипед (1)
- Не уроком единым (9)
- Недра русского языка (6)
- Неизвестные страницы (3)
- Новые книги (7)
- Нравственные основы русского былинного эпоса (1)
- Нравственные основы русской литературы (1)
- Одно стихотворение (1)
- Отклики (1)
- Память русского языка (1)
- Поэтика русской литературы (3)
- Предчувствия русской литературы (1)
- Развитие речи (28)
- Рекомендуем к изучению в школе (1)
- Рецензии (5)
- Речь (7)
- Русская литература в начальной школе (2)
- Русский язык (80)
- Русский язык в классических произведениях отечественной литературы (2)
- Русский язык в классических произведениях русской литературы (5)
- Русский язык в произведениях отечественной классической литературы (1)
- Русский язык. Дидактические материалы (1)
- Русский язык. Материалы к уроку (30)
- Русский язык. Проблемы и размышления (24)
- Русский язык. Риторика (7)
- Русский язык. Словесность (2)
- Русское зарубежье (1)
- Сказители старин (2)
- Современная отечественная детская литература (1)
- Современная отечественная поэзия (1)
- Содержание - Указатель статей (17)
- Сокровища отечественного фольклора (1)
- Тайна занимательности (1)
- Творцы русского языка (6)
- Терминалии (1)
- Технология преподавания (1)
- Торжество созвучий (36)
- Традиции русской школы (2)
- Традиционные конфессии и русская литература (1)
- Угол зрения (1)
- Удивительное в мире русской словесности (37)
- Уральский текст русской литературы (1)
- Уроки по «Родной литературе» (1)
- Уроки русского языка (1)
- Уроки русского языка (лучшие советские методики) (3)
- Уроки русского языка (лучшие современные методики) (1)
- Учительская (49)
- Филологическое мастерство (1)
- Хрестоматия (2)
- Хроника (3)
- Художественный мир былинного эпоса (1)
- Шедевры отечественной книжной иллюстрации (1)
- Шедевры детской литературы (2)
- Шедевры отечественного литературоведения (2)
- Шедевры отечественного перевода (2)
- Шедевры отечественной поэзии (3)
- Шедевры отечественной прозы (4)
- Шедевры отечественной публицистики (2)
- Шедевры русского книгопечатания (1)
- Шедевры русской детской литературы (1)
- Шедевры русской драматургии (5)
- Шедевры русской критики (1)
- Шедевры русской литературы (1)
- Шедевры русской поэзии (16)
- Шедевры русской прозы (14)
- Шедевры русской публицистики (1)
- Школьная программа: региональный компонент (1)
- Школьная программа: художественный опыт восприятия (1)
- Эпос «крепок к этносу» (1)
Романова Галина Ивановна
- - Доктор филологических наук, доцент. Профессор. Московский городской педагогический университет
- - Romanova Galina Ivanovna - Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor. Professor. MCU (Moscow City University)
Матвеева Ирина Ивановна
- - Кандидат филологических наук, доцент. Московский городской педагогический университет
- - Matveeva Irina Ivanovna - Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor. MCU (Moscow City University)
Алексеев Александр Валерьевич
- - доктор филологических наук, доцент, профессор МГПУ, профессор кафедры общего языкознания имени И.Г. Добродомова МПГУ, профессор кафедры славянской филологии ПСТГУ
- - Alekseev Alexander Valerievich – Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor, Professor of Department of Philology, Institute of Humanities, MCU, Professor of Department of General Linguistics named after I.G. Dobrodomov, MPGU, Professor of the Department of Slavic Philology, PSTGU
Баранов Анатолий Николаевич
- - доктор филологических наук, ведущий научный сотрудник ИРЯ им. В.В. Виноградова
- - Baranov Anatoly Nikolaevich - Doctor of Philology, Leading Researcher of the V.V. Vinogradov IRL
Беляева Ирина Анатольевна
- - доктор филологических наук, профессор МГУ им. М.В. Ломоносова, ведущий научный сотрудник Института мировой литературы им. А.М. Горького РАН
- - Belyaeva Irina Anatolievna – Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Leading Researcher, IMLI
Елепова Марина Юрьевна
- - доктор филологических наук, профессор, зав. кафедрой литературы Северного (Арктического) федерального университета им. М.В. Ломоносова
- - Elepova Marina Yuryevna - Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor, Northern Arctic Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov (SAFU)
Клинг Олег Алексеевич
- - доктор филологических наук, профессор, зав. кафедрой теории литературы МГУ
- - Kling Oleg Alekseevich - Doctor of Philology, Professor, Head of the Department of Literature Theory, MSU
Кондаков Борис Вадимович
- - директор Центра Восточноазиатских исследований; профессор кафедры русской литературы Пермского государственного национального исследовательского университета
- - Kondakov Boris Vadimovich - Director of the Centre for East Asian Studies; Professor, Department of Russian Literature, Perm State University
Крысин Леонид Петрович
- - доктор филологических наук, профессор, главный научный сотрудник, заведующий отделом современного русского языка ИРЯ им. В.В. Виноградова РАН
- - Doctor of Philology, Professor, Chief Researcher, Head of the Department of Modern Russian Language of the V.V. Vinogradov IRL
Лазебникова Анна Юрьевна
- - член-корреспондент РАО, доктор педагогических наук, зав. лабораторией социально-гуманитарного общего образования ИСРО
- - Lazebnikova Anna Yuryevna - Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Education, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Head of the Laboratory of Social and Humanitarian General Education of ISRO
Лепахин Валерий Владимирович
- - доктор филологических наук, профессор Сегедского университета (Венгрия)
- - Lepakhin Valery Vladimirovich - Doctor of Philology, Professor, University of Szeged (Szeged, Hungary)
Лобин Александр Михайлович
- - доктор филологических наук, доцент, профессор Ульяновского государственного педагогического университета имени И.Н. Ульянова
- - Lobin Alexander Mikhailovich - Doctor of Philological Sciences, Аssociate Professor, Department of Russian Language, Literature and Journalism, Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University
Мартьянова Светлана Алексеевна
- - кандидат филологических наук, доцент, зав. кафедрой русской и зарубежной филологии Владимирского государственного университета им. А.Г. и Н.Г. Столетовых
- - Martyanova Svetlana Alexeevna - Candidate of Philological Sciences, Аssociate Рrofessor, Head of the Department of Russian and Foreign Philology, Vladimir State University named after Alexander Grigorievich and Nikolai Grigorievich Stoletovs
Микулацо Ирена Карловна
- - доктор филологических наук, зав. кафедрой иностранных языков Гуманитарного факультета Университета Пулы им. Юрая Добрилы, Председатель Хорватской ассоциации преподавателей русского языка и литературы (Хорватия)
- - Mikulaco Irena - Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Foreign languages, Faculty of Humanities, Juraj Dobrila University of Pula, Croatia, Chairman of the Croatian Association of Teachers of Russian Language and Literature
Романова Галина Ивановна
- - доктор филологических наук, доцент, профессор института гуманитарных наук, МГПУ
- - Romanova Galina Ivanovna -Doctor of Philology, Аssociate Professor, Institute of Humanities, MСU.
Смирнова Альфия Исламовна
- - доктор филологических наук, профессор, институт гуманитарных наук, МГПУ
- - Smirnova Alfia Islamovna - Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor, Institute of Humanities, MСU.
Сорокин Андрей Александрович
- - кандидат педагогических наук, профессор МГПУ, начальник департамента методики преподавания социальных и гуманитарных наук
- - Sorokin Andrey Alexandrovich - Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Methods of Teaching Social Sciences and Humanities, MCU
Стрельчук Елена Николаевна
- - доктор педагогических наук, доцент кафедры русского языка и методики его преподавания, РУДН
- - Strelchuk Elena Nikolayevna - Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Russian Language and Teaching Methods, RUDN
Ямбург Евгений Александрович (Шоломович)
- - академик РАО, доктор педагогических наук, директор Центра образования № 109 (Москва), заслуженный учитель РФ
- - Yamburg Yevgeny Sholomovic - Academician of the Russian Academy of Education, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Honoured Teacher of the Russian Federation
- 2024 год
- Русская словесность 2024, № 6, №6
- Русская словесность 2024, № 5, №5
- Русская словесность 2024, № 4, №4
- Русская словесность 2024, № 3, №3
- Русская словесность 2024, № 2, №2
- Русская словесность 2024, № 1, №1
- 2023 год
- Русская словесность 2023, № 6, №6
- Русская словесность 2023, № 5, №5
- Русская словесность 2023, № 4, №4
- Русская словесность 2023, № 3, №3
- Русская словесность 2023, № 2, №2
- Русская словесность 2023, № 1, №1
- 2022 год
- Русская словесность 2022, № 6, №6
- Русская словесность 2022, №5, №5
- Русская словесность 2022, №4, №4
- Русская словесность 2022, №3, №3
- Русская словесность 2022, №2, №2
- Русская словесность 2022, №1, №1
- 2021 год
- Русская словесность 2021, №6, №6
- Русская словесность 2021, №5, №5
- Русская словесность 2021, №4, №4
- Русская словесность 2021, №3, №3
- Русская словесность 2021, №2, №2
- Русская словесность 2021, №1, №1
- 2020 год
- Русская словесность 2020, №6, №6
- Русская словесность 2020, №5, №5
- Русская словесность 2020, №4, №4
- Русская словесность 2020, №3, №3
- Русская словесность 2020, №2, №2
- Русская словесность 2020, №1, №1
- 2019 год
- Русская словесность 2019, №6, №6
- Русская словесность 2019, №5, №5
- Русская словесность 2019, №4, №4
- Русская словесность 2019, №3, №3
- Русская словесность 2019, №2, №2
- Русская словесность 2019, №1, №1
- 2018 год
- Русская словесность 2018, №6, №6
- Русская словесность 2018, №5, №5
- Русская словесность 2018, №4, №4
- Русская словесность 2018, №3, №3
- Русская словесность 2018, №2, №2
- Русская словесность 2018, №1, №1
- 2017 год
- Русская словесность 2017, №6, №6
- Русская словесность 2017, №5, №5
- Русская словесность 2017, №4, №4
- Русская словесность 2017, № 3, №3
- Русская словесность 2017, № 2, №2
- Русская словесность 2017, № 1, №1
- 2016 год
- Русская словесность 2016, № 6, №6
- Русская словесность 2016, № 5, №5
- Русская словесность 2016, № 4, №4
- Русская словесность 2016, № 3, №3
- Русская словесность 2016, № 2, №2
- Русская словесность 2016, № 1, №1
- 2015 год
- Русская словесность 2015, № 6, №6
- Русская словесность 2015, № 5, №5
- Русская словесность 2015, № 4, №4
- Русская словесность 2015, № 3, №3
- Русская словесность 2015, № 2, №2
- Русская словесность 2015, № 1, №1
- 2014 год
- Русская словесность 2014, № 6, №6
- Русская словесность 2014, № 5, №5
- Русская словесность 2014, № 4, №4
- Русская словесность 2014, № 3, №3
- Русская словесность 2014, № 2, №2
- Русская словесность 2014, № 1, №1
- 2013 год
- Русская словесность 2013, № 6, №6
- Русская словесность 2013, № 5, №5
- Русская словесность 2013, № 4, №4
- Русская словесность 2013, № 3, №3
- Русская словесность 2013, № 2, №2
- Русская словесность 2013, № 1, №1
- 2012 год
- Русская словесность 2012, № 6, №6
- Русская словесность 2012, № 5, №5
- Русская словесность 2012, № 4, №4
- Русская словесность 2012, № 3, №3
- Русская словесность 2012, № 2, №2
- Русская словесность 2012, № 1, №1
- 2011 год
- Русская словесность № 6, 2011г., №6
- Русская словесность № 5, 2011г., №5
- Русская словесность № 4, 2011г., №4
- Русская словесность № 3, 2011г., №3
- Русская словесность № 2, 2011г., №2
- Русская словесность № 1, 2011г., №1
- 2010 год
- Русская словесность № 6, 2010г., №6
- Русская словесность № 5, 2010г., №5
- Русская словесность № 4, 2010г., №4
- Русская словесность № 3, 2010г., №3
- Русская словесность № 2, 2010г., №2
- Русская словесность № 1, 2010г., №1
- 2009 год
- Русская словесность № 1, 2009г., №1
- Русская словесность № 6, 2009г., №6
- Русская словесность № 5, 2009г., №5
- Русская словесность № 4, 2009г., №4
- Русская словесность № 3, 2009г., №3
- Русская словесность № 2, 2009г., №2
- Русская словесность № 1, 2009г., №1
- 2008 год
- Русская словесность, 2008, №1-6, №1-6
- 2007 год
- Русская словесность, 2007, №1-6, №1-6
- 2006 год
- Русская словесность, 2006, №1-8, №1-8
- 2005 год
- Русская словесность, 2005, №1-8, №1-8
- 2004 год
- Русская словесность, 2004, №1-8, №1-8
- 2003 год
- Русская словесность, 2003, №1-8, №1-8
- 2002 год
- Русская словесность, 2002, №1-8, №1-8
- 2001 год
- Русская словесность, 2001, №1-8, №1-8
- 2000 год
- Русская словесность, 2000, №1-6, №1-6
- 1999 год
- Русская словесность, 1999, №1-6, №1-6
- 1998 год
- Русская словесность, 1998, №1-6, №1-6
- 1997 год
- Русская словесность, 1997, №1-6, №1-6
- 1996 год
- Русская словесность, 1996, №1-6, №1-6
- 1995 год
- Русская словесность, 1995, №1-6, №1-6
- 1994 год
- Русская словесность, 1994, №1-6, №1-6
- 1993 год
- Русская словесность, 1993, №1-5, №1-5
Due to the fact that the number of papers submitted to the editorial board, was sharply increase, the preferential right of the publication period will be those authors who are subscribers of the magazine and will present it to the editor copy of the receipt of the subscription.
In accordance with Part IV of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Section VII «rights to the results of intellectual activity and means of individualization") submitted to the journal articles must be accompanied by a license agreement to transfer the founder of the magazine nonexclusive copyright.
All materials sent to the editors, the authors need to conclude licensing contracts. The editorial board does not accept for consideration and publication of the article without the signed license agreement (to be filled in the forms for samples). Fill in the form of the contract and sign a contract in two copies. Registration of the contract, send to the editors together with the article by e-mail to the publishers' School Press "Address: 127254, Moscow, st. Goncharova d. 17 A, Bldg. 1 .; fax (495) 619-52-87, or a scanned version of the contract drawn up send e-mail: editorial
View samples and complete agreement mode PDF or Word.
You can get acquainted with more detailed requirements for materials.
Articles submitted to the editorial board by the author or emailed simple letters and parcels as a print on a white paper on one side of the sheet in duplicate together with a diskette or CD-ROM file (WinWord). The paper should not exceed 20 000 characters (approximately 11-12 typewritten pages). The article should be signed by all co-authors.
On a separate sheet must provide the following information on all the authors: last name, first name, date of birth, passport number, academic degree, academic status, place of work, position, home address, zip code, telephone number (fax, email), VAT the number of insurance (pension) certificate. (About the author download)
The materials can be duplicated by e-mail, but the date of submission of the editorial board is the day of receipt of the signed printout on paper.
As an illustration (1 ind.) Accepted the originals and copies of drawings, prints on glossy photo paper, computer graphics files.
Computer charts and tables should be submitted in separate files; Images captured with a digital device are transferred to the original size, without compression. Allowed file transfer in ZIP or RAR.
Each copy of the illustrations must be signed on the reverse: author's name, title of the article, the figure number. Place the illustrations should be clearly stated in the text. Each illustration must sign explaining its content, circumstances and time of shooting. For photos and be sure to specify the names of people depicted on them and obtain their consent to the publication of the photos in the magazine (for children - the consent of their parent or guardian).
Editorial acquainted with all the letters, but is not able to enter into correspondence with authors, reserving the right to publish the most interesting letters in whole or in fragments without additional agreement with authors and without paying him royalties. By sending a letter to the editor, the author thereby consent to its publication as well as the fact that the text can be edited and shortened without changing its meaning.
Manuscripts and illustrations will not be returned. Materials submitted for the authors of particular value, can be obtained directly in the wording of one year from the date of shipment, provided that the author's desire to get back the submitted materials it was clearly expressed at the first call.
For publication in the journal of any materials fee will be charged to the authors.
For information about the addresses and telephone numbers of authors, producers referred to in the articles of equipment, publishers and distributors of printed and other products are not available.
For subscription and purchase individual issues of the magazine, please contact directly to the publishing house "School Press": 127254, Moscow, st. Goncharova d. 17 A, Bldg. 1. Phone: (495) 619-83-80, 619-52-87.
Write and call: we are ready to answer all your questions and suggestions!
Even if you doubt your abilities writers, still send their materials. Indeed, in the first place, we would appreciate your opinion and experience, and our editors will prepare an article for publication.
The order of publication. Approved manuscripts accepted and published version of the portfolio in a queue or by decision of the chief editor of the magazine *.
About the decision, please call: (495) 619-52-78, 619-52-87, 639-08-40, 639-89-92, 639-89-93 or e-mail.

The procedure for reviewing articles aimed peer-reviewed publications to the editor.
1. Scientific Directions Magazine: pedagogy, philology. Article provided by the editorial board should match the profile of the magazine. We publish only those manuscripts that have not been previously published
2. All incoming materials to the editor, published in the journal based on peer review. All reviewers yavlyatsya recognized experts on the subject of peer-reviewed material and have for the last 3 years of the publication of peer-reviewed articles on the subject. Reviews are stored in the publishing and editorial office for 5 years.
3. The reviewer can not be the author (co-author) articles. At the end of the review it should be pointed out that the article does not contain a compilation and plagiatarnyh moments. Review without this indication is not accepted. The reviewer has some responsibility for recommending to the publication of an article containing the grave violations of scientific ethics. Review the seal of the respective institution (organization), the signature of the reviewer confirmed Chief HR (human resource management), and contains the date it was written.
4. Manuscripts are considered by the editorial board of the journal (hereinafter - the editorial board), reserves the right to reduce and fix the articles sent (internal review). The decision to publish is taken by the editorial board of the magazine on the basis of expert assessments of external reviewers with regard to the relevant material provided the thematic focus of the magazine, their scientific merit, relevance. Editorial publications to the authors of submissions copies of the reviews.
5. Reviewing manuscripts is done confidentially. Disclosure of the confidential details of the manuscript review violates the rights of the author's manuscript. Breach of confidentiality is only possible in the case of alleged inaccuracy or falsification of materials, in all other cases it is required to preserve.
6. In case of refusal to publish an article revision to the authors reasoned refusal.
7. Article accepted for publication, but needs work, the authors with comments directed edition. Authors should make any necessary corrections in the final version of the manuscript and return the corrected text to the editor, as well as its electronic version is identical with the original version and a cover letter, response wording. Articles sent out to authors for correction should be returned to the editorial board no later than two (2) weeks of receipt.
8. The editorial board may provide a copy of the manuscript for review at the request of the expert councils WAC.
9. Issue publications circulate copies of reviews of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for admission to the editor publication prompted.
10. The Editorial Board does not keep manuscripts not accepted for publication. Manuscripts accepted for publication will not be returned. The editors do not disclose personal information about the authors of the article (contact numbers, home address) and uses them only for communication with authors and send them by e-mail one free copy of the magazine.
11. The editors did not provide information concerning the manuscript (including information about its reception, the content, the process of editing, etc..) To anyone other than the authors and reviewers. Reviewers are not allowed to make copies of the manuscript for their needs and are prohibited to give part of the manuscript for review to another person without the permission of the editors. Reviewers and editorial staff have no right to use the knowledge about the contents of the work before it is published in its own interests. The manuscripts are the private property of the authors and are reportedly not subject to disclosure.
12. If the publication of the article has caused a violation of anyone's copyright or standard norms of scientific ethics, the Editorial Board has the right to withdraw published article.

The ethical code of scientific publications in the periodicals of the publishing house "School Press" was developed taking into account the International Standards of the Committee for the Ethics of Scientific Publications (COPE). This document is obligatory for implementation and unites and reveals the general principles and rules that participants in the process of scientific publications should guide in their relationships: authors, reviewers, editors, publishers, distributors and readers.
International standards deal with the following issues:
• agreements with research authors that do not allow funders and sponsors to prohibit the publication of discoveries unfavorable to their products or situation;
• providing editors of journals with procedures that separate their commercial and publishing activities, so that the sponsored articles undergo the same rigorous quality control and are subject to independent evaluation, like all other publications;
• compliance by authors with restrictions on the disclosure of information contained in their accepted but not yet published articles, and ensuring that press releases accurately reflect the content of their work and do not include statements that go beyond the discoveries made in the course of Research;
• Serious attitude of editors to the possibility of any violations of the protection of personal data and confidentiality, and ensuring that all research is conducted within the framework of national and international laws and principles of best practices.
Ethics of scientific publications is a system of norms of professional conduct in the relationship of authors, reviewers, editors, publishers and readers in the process of creating, disseminating and using scientific publications.
Editor - a representative of a scientific journal or publisher, preparing materials for publication, as well as supporting communication with authors and readers of scientific publications.
The author is a person or a group of persons (a team of authors) involved in creating a publication of the results of a scientific study.
The reviewer is an expert acting on behalf of a scientific journal or publisher and conducting scientific expertise of copyright materials in order to determine the possibility of their publication.
The publisher is a legal entity or an individual who publishes a scientific publication.
Reader - any person who has read the published materials.
Plagiarism is the deliberate appropriation of authorship of someone else's work of science or art, other people's ideas or inventions. Plagiarism can be a violation of copyright laws and patent laws and, as such, may entail legal liability.
Editorial principles
1. Responsibility for the content of the journal
Editors are required to be responsible for all materials published by them and to apply procedures and policies to ensure the high quality and reliability of published material.
2. Editorial Independence and Integrity
An important part of the responsibility for making fair and objective decisions is observance of the principle of editorial independence and good faith.
2.1 Independence of Decision-Making from Commercial Considerations
Editors make decisions only on the basis of the scientific qualities of the articles and take full responsibility for their decisions. The adopted procedures should separate commercial activities within the journal from editorial processes and decisions. Editors should take an active interest in publishers' pricing policy and fight for the wide availability of published materials. Sponsored supplements should be subject to the same strict quality control and independent review as any other material in the magazine. Decisions on such materials should be taken in the same way as for any other materials in the journal. The fact of sponsorship and the role of the sponsor should be clearly communicated to the readers. Advertisements must comply with the journal's policy, be clearly distinguishable from other content and should not have any connection with the scientific content of the magazine.
2.2 The attitude of editors to the publisher or the owners of the journal
Ideally, the editors must be signed a contract that contains the conditions for their appointment by the publisher of the magazine or the owner. In this contract, the principle of editorial independence must be clearly stated. Publishers and magazine owners should not take any part in decisions regarding its content for commercial or political reasons. Publishers can not dismiss the editor for any reason related to the content of the journal, except in cases of gross editorial negligence or in the event that an independent investigation shows that the editor's decision to publish the material was taken in spite of the journal's scientific mission.
2.3 Journal Indicators and Decision Making
The editors do not attempt to improperly influence the rating of their magazine by artificially increasing any indicators of the journal. For example, it is inappropriate to add links to articles published in the journal - such links should appear only on the basis of purely scientific considerations. In general, editors should ensure that the review of materials takes place solely on scientific grounds, and that authors do not have the pressure to quote certain publications for unscientific reasons.
3. Editorial confidentiality
3.1 Authors' Material
If the journal uses a system according to which independent reviewers are selected by editors, the editors ensure the confidentiality of the authors' material and inform about the need to preserve such confidentiality of reviewers. As a rule, editors do not share received articles with editors of other journals, except in cases of obtaining authors' consent or alleged misconduct.
Editors, as a rule, are not required to provide material to lawyers for legal proceedings. The editors do not tell anyone the status of the material in the magazine, except for the authors. The systems for submitting materials for publication through the Internet should work so that the probability of unauthorized access is excluded.
When investigating cases of misconduct, it may be necessary to disclose the material to third parties (for example, the institution's supervisory board or other editors).
3.2 Reviewers
Editors undertake to maintain the confidentiality of the personal data of reviewers, except when the independent review system is open. However, if reviewers wish to disclose their names, they should be allowed to do so.
In the event of an alleged misconduct, the reviewer may need to disclose the name of the reviewer to a third party.
4. Encourage maximum transparency, completeness and fairness of publications
To improve scientific knowledge, it is important to understand why this or that scientific work was done, how and by whom it was planned and conducted, and also what it adds to the knowledge already available. To achieve this understanding, it is extremely important to maximize transparency and complete and fair presentation of research papers.
4.1 Authorship and responsibility
Magazines have a clearly formulated policy on authorship, which meets international standards. Editors provide authors with guidelines containing the requirements for them, and if different approaches are adopted in the area to determine authorship, declare which one they adhere to.
In a multidisciplinary or collaborative study, readers should understand who did what and who is responsible for the implementation and validity of one or another aspect of the study. Each part of the work must have at least one author who is responsible for its reliability. It is expected that all authors make a significant contribution to the material and are familiar with all of its content; Ideally this should be indicated in the application for authorship submitted to the journal. Whenever authors make editorial changes for reasons that are legitimate, editors must require that all authors (including those whose names are excluded from the list of authors) express their consent in writing. Disputes concerning authorship for both published and unpublished works (that is, disagreements as to who should or should not be an author appearing before or after publication) can not be resolved by editors and considered in research institutions or other relevant independent bodies. In such cases, the editors act in accordance with the obtained results of conflict resolution, for example by correcting authorship in published works.
4.2. Conflicts of interest and the role of the source of financing
Editors should have a policy that requires all authors to declare any relevant financial and non-financial conflicts of interest and include in the article a mention, at least, of those that could affect the reader's perception of content.
It is necessary to state the source of research funding and publish it; Also, the role of the source of financing in the formation of the concept of work, its implementation, analysis of data and preparation of publication is indicated and published. Editors should clearly inform the authors if, due to possible conflicts of interest, their work can not be published in certain sections of the journal (for example, in written articles or reviews written by order).
4.3 Complete and fair presentation of data and compliance with data provision rules
One of the most important duties of editors is to maintain a high standard in the scientific literature. Although the standards of different journals differ, in their work the editors want all published works to make a significant new contribution to their field.
Magazines use a policy that encourages a complete and honest presentation of the material.
Digital image files, numbers and tables must conform to standards in a certain area. Images should not be improperly altered from the original version or represent misleading results.
Editors can also use software to check for manipulation of images, plagiarism, duplicate or redundant publication. In the event that plagiarism or fraudulent manipulation of the image is detected, the problem should be considered together with the authors of the work and with the relevant institutions.
5. Reaction to criticism and problems
The response to published research from other researchers is an important part of scientific debate in most areas and should generally be encouraged. In some areas, journalists can "strengthen" such a debate by publishing readers' feedback. Criticism may be part of general scientific debate, but it may also draw attention to the lack of fairness of research or publication.
5.1 Ensuring the reliability of published data - amending
When readers, authors, or editors find undisputed errors in a published work that do not render the work invalid, it is required to amend as soon as possible (or correct typos). The online version of the material can be fixed with the date of correction and a link to the list of typos. In the event that the error makes the work or a significant part of the work void, the article should be withdrawn with an indication of the reason (for example, a bona fide error).
5.2 Ensuring the reliability of published data - suspicion of misconduct during research or publication
In the event that readers, reviewers or others raise questions about the conduct, validity or publication of scientific work, the editors primarily contact the authors (ideally with all authors) and give them the opportunity to respond to the charges. If their response is unsatisfactory, the editors submit the case to a research institution. Upon completion of the investigation, the editors need to take appropriate measures, accompanied by a comment explaining the findings of the investigation. Editors can independently decide to withdraw material if they are convinced that misconduct has occurred, even if an investigation by an agency or a national body does not recommend it.
Editors must respond to all allegations or suspicions of misconduct regarding research or publications that are made by readers, reviewers or other editors.
Editors are often the first to receive information about such problems and should act even if the material has not yet been accepted for publication or its publication has not yet been refused.
In addition to the special responsibility for publishing in his journal, editors bear collective responsibility for published scientific knowledge and must act in any case of potentially misconduct that has become known to them. Cases of possible plagiarism or duplicative / redundant publication can be evaluated by editors themselves. However, in most other cases, the editors request an investigation by the institution or other relevant authorities (after receiving clarification from the authors, if such clarification was not satisfactory).
6. Ensuring an honest and proper process for independent peer review
One of the most important duties of editors is to organize and use independent peer review in an honest and prudent manner. Editors describe the accepted independent review procedures in the information materials for authors, indicating also which parts of the journal are subject to independent review.
6.1 Decision to review
Editors may reject material without independent review if it is deemed to be of poor quality or unsuitable for the readers of the magazine. This decision is taken honestly and impartially. The criteria for making such a decision must be clearly defined. The decision not to send material to an independent review can be based only on the scientific content of the material and can not depend on the identity of the authors or on the place of their work.
6.2 Interaction with independent reviewers
Editors use the services of independent reviewers for materials considered for publication, by selecting persons with sufficient experience and without conflicts of interest. Editors ensure the timely receipt of reviews.
Independent reviewers are informed of the requirements for them, as well as information on any changes in editorial policies. In particular, independent reviewers require an evaluation of the research and ethical issues of the publication (that is, whether, in their opinion, the study was conducted ethically, do they have suspicions of plagiarism, forgery, falsification or excessive publication). Editors should formally solicit independent reviewers about conflicts of interest on their part and require independent reviewers to promptly inform them of any such conflict of interest so that they can decide whether objective review is possible. Certain conflicts of interest may entail the disqualification of an independent reviewer.
Editors should require independent reviewers to respect the confidentiality of the materials they provide, and require independent reviewers to tell them if they refer to the help of colleagues when reviewing them.
6.3 Wrong behavior of the reviewer
Editors should take seriously the misconduct of the reviewer and consider any application for breach of confidentiality, non-disclosure of conflicts of interest (financial and non-financial), improper use of confidential material or delay in independent review in the interests of competitors. In case of serious violations by the reviewer, such as plagiarism, the editor must report them to the institution in which he works (for further recommendations read here: CODE OF CONDUCT AND BEST PRACTICE GUIDELINES FOR JOURNAL EDITORS
6.4 Interaction with authors
Editors should explain to the authors that the role of an independent reviewer may vary depending on the journal. Some editors view reviewers as consultants and may refrain from adhering to (or even requesting) their recommendations for accepting or rejecting the publication. Correspondence of editors, as a rule, is conducted with the responsible author, who ensures participation of co-authors at all stages. As a rule, editors make a decision based on all the comments of independent reviewers in general. However, in exceptional cases, it may be necessary to delete parts of the review if it, for example, contains defamatory or offensive remarks. It is important, however, that such editorial analysis is not aimed at "suppressing" uncomfortable comments.
If, at a later stage of the process, additional reviewers are searched, there must always be reasonable reasons for this, clearly communicated to the authors. The final editorial decision and the reasons for making it are clearly communicated to the authors and reviewers. If the material is rejected, the editors must consider the objections of the authors according to the accepted procedure. At the same time, editors are not required to revoke their decision.
7. Adoption of the editorial decision
Editors take an influential position, taking decisions on the acceptance or rejection of publications, which makes special demands on the honesty and objectivity of this process and its conformity to the scientific vision of a particular journal.
7.1 Editing materials by editors and magazine
All editorial processes should be described in information materials for authors. In particular, they must specify the requirements for authors, types of published materials, and also the process of processing materials by the journal. All editors should be well acquainted with the journal's policy, its point of view and themes. The final editor is responsible for all decisions.
7.2 Conflicts of interests of the editor
Editors should not make decisions regarding materials in connection with which they have a conflict of interest. Magazines should have a specific procedure for processing such materials, as well as a procedure for processing materials submitted by editors or members of the editorial board to ensure an objective and independent review of such materials. This procedure is described in the information materials for authors. Conflicts of interests of the editor should be announced, ideally, publicly.
1. Basic principles to be followed by reviewers
Reviewers should:
• agree to review only those manuscripts for which they have sufficient knowledge and which they can review in a timely manner;
• Respect the confidentiality of the review and not disclose any details of the manuscript or reviews during or after the peer review to anyone other than those authorized by the magazine;
• Do not use the information obtained during the review for your own benefit, the benefit of other persons or organizations, as well as for causing harm to others or discrediting others;
• declare all possible conflicts of interest and seek advice in the journal if they are not sure whether the current situation constitutes a conflict of interest or not, do not allow the content of their review to be affected by the origin of the manuscript, nationality, religious affiliation, political or other views of it Authors or commercial considerations;
• write a review objectively and constructively, refraining from hostile or inflammatory statements, as well as from slanderous or humiliating comments;
• Understand that, as researchers, they themselves need the honest reviews of their colleagues, and therefore perform peer review, respectively;
• provide journals with accurate and truthful information about their personal and professional knowledge and experience and realize that attempts to impersonate another person during review are a serious violation of ethical norms and rules.
2. What should be the peer review process
In preparation for the review
Reviewers should:
• respond quickly enough to an offer to write a review, especially if they are not going to write it;
• If they do not know the subject of the research in sufficient detail to write a review, state it directly, and if they can estimate only some part of the manuscript, then describe the boundaries of the area in which they have sufficient knowledge;
• agree to the review of the manuscript only if they are sure that they will be able to prepare a review within the proposed or jointly agreed time period, promptly notifying the journal if they need an extension of the period;
• declare all possible conflicts of interest (for example, related to personal, financial, intellectual, professional, political or religious interests) and seek advice in the journal if they are not sure whether the current situation constitutes a conflict of interest or not;
• Follow the policy of the journal in situations that, in their opinion, can interfere with objective review. Unless otherwise specified in the rules, they must notify the journal if they work in the same organization as one of the authors (or will soon work in this organization, or apply for employment in this organization); If they are or have been in the recent past (for example, during the last 3 years) by teachers of one of the authors, their students, close collaborators or joint users of grants or they have a close personal relationship with one of the authors;
• re-review any article they previously criticized for another journal, since during this time, its text could have changed and the criteria for publishing articles from journals may be different;
• Ensure that the proposals to alternative reviewers are made unbiased, or are not the result of personal preferences, or are made for the manuscript to receive a certain rating (positive or negative);
• do not agree to the review of the manuscript only in order to read it, without the intention of preparing a review;
• refuse to prepare a review if they feel that they can not give an impartial and fair assessment;
• refuse to prepare a review if they participated in any work related to the preparation of the manuscript, or in the studies described therein;
• refuse to prepare a review if asked to review the manuscript, which is very similar to the one they are criticizing for another journal or to the one that was proposed for peer review;
• refuse to prepare a review if they do not agree with the review rules adopted in the journal, which can either affect their review or depreciate it because they can not effectively meet the journal's requirements.
3. During the review
Reviewers should:
• notify the journal promptly and seek advice if they have found any conflict of interest that was not noticed when they agreed to take the article for review, or any other circumstances that hampered the formation of a fair and impartial assessment of the article;
• refrain from studying the manuscript and related materials while waiting for instructions from the journal on issues that may lead to a request for termination of the review agreement;
• carefully read the manuscript, supporting materials (for example, instructions for the reviewer, required ethical guidelines and policy principles, files with applications) and journal instructions, referring to the journal in case of any questions and requesting the missing information necessary for compiling a qualitative review;
• Notify the journal as soon as possible if they find that they do not have sufficient knowledge to evaluate all aspects of the manuscript without waiting for the date of the review, as this will delay the review process;
• not involve anyone in the preparation of a review, including his assistants, without the consent of the journal; The names of all persons who assisted reviewers in writing reviews should be included in the text so that the fact of their participation was registered in the journal and the magazine could express their gratitude to them;
• Do not publicize the details of the manuscript and reviews;
• Report to the journal if circumstances appear that prevent the timely preparation of a review, providing an accurate estimate of the time that will be required if the journal does not appoint another reviewer in their place;
• In the case of a "double blind" review, if they know the name of the author (s), inform the journal if such knowledge can cause a conflict of interest;
• Immediately notify the journal if they found any errors in their work, are concerned about the ethical nature of the work, learned about the significant similarity between the manuscript and another document, or suspect that in the course of researching or sending the manuscript, unfair behavior occurred in the journal; At the same time reviewers should keep their fears secret and not further investigate the circumstances of the case, unless the journal itself turns to them for help;
• Do not delay the review process, delaying the submission of your review or requesting additional unnecessary information from the journal or the author;
• Ensure that the evaluation contained in their review is based on the quality of the work and does not affect (for the better or for worse) any personal, financial or other considerations, or intellectual predilections;
• Do not contact the authors directly without the prior permission of the journal.
4. During the preparation of the review
Reviewers should:
• Remember that the editor expects from them knowledge of the subject area, common sense, as well as an honest and fair assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of the work and manuscript;
• if the review (at the request of the journal) affects only certain aspects of the work, indicate this at the very beginning of the review and clarify which aspects;
• follow the journal's instructions on the specific feedback that is required of them, and if there are no compelling reasons not to implement it, arrange such a link;
• give an objective and constructive review that can help authors improve their manuscript;
• Avoid humiliating personal comments or groundless accusations;
• Be specific in their criticism and affirm with solid evidence and relevant references their general conclusions, such as "this work was done earlier", to help editors form correct assessments and decisions with an objective attitude towards the authors;
• remember that this is an author's work, and do not try to rewrite it in accordance with its stylistic preferences, if it is generally qualitative and written clearly; Although suggestions for improving the clarity of presentation are always welcome;
• Maintain sensitivity in language issues, if authors write in a language that is not native to them, and formulate their comments accordingly and with due respect;
• clearly indicate which proposed additional studies can support the findings of the peer-reviewed manuscript, and can enhance or expand the work;
• Do not write a review in such a way that there are reasons to assume that it was written by another person;
• not depict other people in a negative light or biased in their review;
• Avoid unfair negative comments or unreasonable criticism of any work of competitors listed in the manuscript;
• Ensure that comments and recommendations addressed to the editor are in agreement with the report addressed to the authors; The main part of the information should be included in the report sent to the authors;
• Confidential comments directed to the editor should not contain slander and false accusations against authors, made in the belief that the authors will not see these comments;
• Do not invite authors to include in the publication references to the work of the reviewer (or his colleagues) only in order to increase the citation or significance of their work; All proposals to authors should be based only on the basis of their scientific or technological value;
• Determine whether the journal policy allows you to sign your reviews, and if so, decide whether it is convenient for them to do so;
• If the editor working with the manuscript decides to write a review himself, he must do it transparently, not pretending to be an anonymous reviewer (if the journal practices anonymous review); But writing a review of the manuscript, with which another editor of the magazine works, can be regarded as any other review.
5. After the preparation of the review
Experts should:
• continue to keep the details of the manuscript and its reviews in secrecy;
• respond quickly if there are questions from the journal related to the manuscript and provide the necessary information;
• contact the journal if, after submitting their review, they learned some important facts that could affect their initial opinion and recommendations;
• read the reviews of other reviewers, if they are provided by the journal, in order to improve their understanding of the topic or their conclusions in relation to the work;
• If possible, fulfill the requests of the journals to review the changes made to the manuscript or the new version of the manuscript.
1. Reliability and thoroughness
1.1. The published study should be conducted in accordance with ethical and legal norms.
1.2. The published research should be done accurately and thoroughly.
1.3. Researchers should use appropriate methods for analyzing and presenting data (and, if necessary, seek the advice of a specialist in this field).
1.4. The authors bear collective responsibility for their work and the content of the publication. Researchers should carefully check their publications at all stages to ensure that all their methods and results are spelled out accurately.
1.5. Authors should carefully check all calculations, data representations, documents and evidence formed by them.
2. Honesty
2.1. Researchers should present the results honestly and without fabricating, falsifying, or manipulating data in an unconscionable manner. Editing of published images (for example, micrographs, radiographs, electrophoresis photographs) should not create a probability of misleading the reader.
2.2. Researchers should strive to describe their methods and present their findings clearly and unambiguously.
2.3. Researchers must follow the applicable rules for the presentation of scientific papers. Publications should provide sufficient information for other researchers to repeat the experiments.
2.4. Research reports should be complete. Information about inexplicable facts, conflicting data and data that do not correspond to theories or hypotheses of authors or sponsors of research should not be omitted in them.
2.5. Research sponsors should not have the right to veto publication of results that unfavorably represent their products or position. Researchers should not enter into agreements that allow sponsors to prohibit or monitor the publication of their results (except in exceptional cases, for example, if the study is classified as secret at the government level).
2.6. Authors should immediately notify the editor in case of an error in any submitted by them for a publication accepted for publication or already published work. Authors should cooperate with editors if it is necessary to edit or shorten the work.
2.7. Quotations and references to other works should be accurate and neatly arranged.
2.8. Authors should not copy references from other publications to works that they themselves have not read.
3. Weight
3.1 New results should be presented in the context of previous studies. The work of other scientists should be properly reflected. The review and conclusions from existing studies should be complete, balanced, and should include information, whether they support the hypothesis and interpretation of the author of the publication or not. In journals, there should be a clear distinction between scientific articles and editorial columns and articles representing a subjective point of view.
3.2 All restrictions adopted during the research should be reflected in the publication.
4. Originality
4.1. Authors must comply with the requirements for publications regarding the fact that the proposed work is original and has not previously been published anywhere in any language. Work can not be sent simultaneously to several publications, unless the publishers agree to a joint publication. If the article is published jointly, this fact should be known to the readers.
4.2. Applicable conventions and copyright laws must be respected. Materials protected by copyright (for example, tables, figures or large quotes) may only be reproduced with the permission of their owners.
4.3. The publication should refer to the previous works of both other researchers and the author relating to it, and to do so correctly and accurately. In all possible cases, reference to the source must be indicated.
4.4. It is necessary to indicate the authorship of data, text, drawings and ideas that the author has received from other sources, and they should not be presented as publications belonging to the author. Direct quotes from the works of other researchers should be allocated with quotation marks and appropriate reference.
4.5. Authors should notify publishers if the information they have proposed for publication has previously been published elsewhere or if any interpretations of these data have been sent to other publishers. In this case, the authors must provide copies of such publications or works submitted to other journals.
4.6. The various publications arising from the work on a single research project should be clearly identified as such and should contain references to the original publications. Translations and adaptations for different audiences should be clearly marked, have references to the source, comply with the relevant copyright conventions and the rules for obtaining authorizations for use. In case of doubt, the authors must ask permission from the publisher of the source before reprinting any work.
5. Transparency
5.1. All sources of research funding, including direct and indirect financial support, the provision of equipment or materials, and other types of support (for example, assistance from statistical data processing specialists or technical writers) should be indicated.
5.2. Authors should provide information on the degree of participation of the research sponsor (if any) in project preparation, implementation, analysis, interpretation of results and preparation of a research report.
5.3. Authors should provide information on financial and non-financial interests and relationships that could affect the interpretation of their discoveries, as well as information of this kind that may be relevant to publishers, reviewers and readers. This includes any relationship the author has with the magazine, for example, if publishers publish their own research in their own journal. In addition, the authors must follow the requirements of the journal and institution on the disclosure of competing interests.
6. Authorship and references to sources
6.1. Research literature contains information not only about discoveries, but also about who made these discoveries. Consequently, the authorship of scientific publications should accurately reflect the contribution of individuals to research work and the writing of a report on it.
6.2. In those cases where people who have made the main contribution are listed as authors, and those whose contribution to research or writing are less important or of a purely technical nature are indicated in the section of gratitude, the criteria for attribution should be agreed at the beginning of the project. Ideally, the criteria for authorship in a particular field of research should be coordinated, published and constantly used by research centers, professional and academic communities and sponsors. Although the editors of journals should develop and publish certain criteria of authorship in certain areas of research, they should not be expected to resolve disputes on this issue. Responsibility for the correct definition of authorship lies entirely with the authors themselves, acting in accordance with the rules adopted in their institution. Scientific institutions should develop and maintain fair standards of attribution and appreciation. If necessary, such institutions should resolve disputes on authorship, while ensuring compliance with the correct procedure.
6.3. Researchers should ensure that only those persons who meet the criteria of authorship (that is, have made a significant contribution to the work) are considered authors and that authors who are worthy of authorship will not be excluded from the list of authors. Research centers and editors of scientific publications should introduce the practice of preventing guest, gift or nameless authorship.
6.4. All authors must agree to be included in the list of authors and approve the publication aimed at the publication and the edited version of the work. Any changes in the list of authors must be approved by all authors, including those who are struck from the list. The responsible author acts as a contact person between the publisher and other authors. It should inform the co-authors and involve them in decision-making on the issues of publication (for example, in the case of responding to comments from reviewers).
6.5. Authors should not mislead readers by publishing gratitude to people who were not actually involved in the work and did not provide support.
7. Accountability and responsibility
7.1. All authors should read and well know the work submitted for publication and ensure that this work is consistent with the principles set forth in this manual. In most cases, authors are given joint responsibility for the conscientiousness of research and reporting on it. However, if authors take responsibility only for certain aspects of work and published material, this should be indicated in the publication.
7.2. Authors should work with editors or publishers to promptly correct their work if errors or omissions are discovered after publication.
7.3. Authors must adhere to the relevant conventions, requirements and regulations so that their materials, reagents, software or datasets are available to other researchers who request them.
7.4. Researchers, academic institutions and sponsors should have a clear policy for considering such requests. Authors are required to follow certain standards of journals. If an expression of gratitude is offered for the materials provided, the researchers should not require that they identify themselves as authors to provide the materials.
7.5. Authors should respond appropriately to comments after publication, as well as on published correspondence. They should try to answer questions from reviewers and provide necessary explanations and additional information, if any.
8. Compliance with Peer Review and Publishing Agreements
8.1. The authors are obliged to comply with the requirements of publishers that the work should not be simultaneously offered for publication in more than one edition.
8.2. Authors should notify the editor if they refuse to review their work or prefer not to respond to the comments of the reviewer after receiving a conditional consent to the publication.
8.3. Authors should answer the questions of the reviewer professionally and in the shortest possible time.
8.4. Authors should respect the publisher's request to limit publications in the media and should not allow their media reports to be reported if their article was accepted for publication (but not yet published) in a scientific publication. Authors and their research centers should liaise and interact with publishers to coordinate media activities (for example, check press releases or press conferences) in connection with the publication. Press releases should accurately reflect the content of the work and should not include data that goes beyond the results of the study.
9. Responsible reflection of research results involving people
9.1. Appropriate approvals, licenses and registrations must be obtained prior to the start of the research, and information on this should be included in the study report.
9.2. At the request of the editor, authors must provide evidence that the research described in the work has received the necessary permits and was ethically carried out (for example, copies of approvals, licenses, consent forms of participants).
9.3. Researchers should not publish or disseminate the identifiable personal data of a person collected during the study without his explicit consent (or the consent of his representatives). Researchers should remember that many scientific journals are currently freely available on the Internet, and therefore should bear in mind the risk of harm or moral harm to an inappropriate audience (for example, study participants or their families who can recognize themselves in the presentation Situational studies, descriptions, images or pedigrees).
9.4. The methodology of statistical data analysis should be determined at the beginning of the research, the data analysis plan for obtaining preliminary results should be prepared in advance and should be followed. Secondary, or a posteriori, analysis must be clearly distinguished from the primary and the analysis indicated in the plan.
9.5. Researchers should publish all relevant research results that are important for understanding. In particular, the ethical norm is the publication of the results of all clinical trials. The publication of unsuccessful studies or experiments that reject the hypothesis can save others from the loss of time and resources for the implementation of similar projects. If the results of minor studies and those that do not yield statistically significant results can be combined to obtain more useful information (for example, by meta-analysis), then such data should be published.
9.6. Authors should, upon request, provide research journals with research protocols (eg clinical trials) so that reviewers and editors can compare the study report with the protocol to ensure that it was conducted in accordance with the plan and no important details have been omitted. Researchers must comply with the relevant rules for the registration of clinical trials and include the registration number of tests in all publications related to these tests.
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